O U R. I N D E P E N D E N T.A R T. P L A T F O R M :
the Milena principle [visit our website/community]
P O DC A S T :
Museum of Walks interview: [Andrew Stuck of Museum of Walks London with Stefaan van Biesen 2016]
Hello Today Podcast [interview with Stefaan van Biesenby Angelo D'Agnolo 2019]
A R T- O R G A N I S A T I O N S :
Le Bouc Qui Zouke: [Solo Exhibition 'Passages' Stefaan van Biesen at La Romieu France 2016]
NeMe Arts Centre, Limassol Cyprus: [Exhibition 'Urban Emptiness Network']
Animart Greece: [Teachers summer school, Stefaan van Biesen Delphi Greece 2016]
Museum of Walking London Uk [Andrew Stuck Walking Artists]
Walk 21 Vienna: ['Spaziergangwissenschaft' Stefaan van Biesen]
Resounding Cities, Athens Greece: [soundproject & walks Lisbon/Athens 2015]
Artists Right Society: [Archive of international artists]
Rasa vzw, Belgium: [Travelling art educational project 'Ik Ben Een Boom' 1997-1999]
C O M M U N I T I E S:
Walk Listen Create : ['Wander Weed' performative walk 2019]
Art Science Exhibits Berlin: [Exhibition Humboldt University Berlin 2018]
A R T- F E S T I V A L S :
Athens Animfest Greece: [multimation 2017]
Watou Kunstenfesival Belgium: [Kunstenfestivalwatou 2014]
Fotofestiwal Lodz Poland: [Exhibitions Grand Prix Photofestival Stefaan van Biesen 2011]
Fotofestiwal Lodz Poland: [Artists Biographies: Stefaan van Biesen 2011]
Aberto Brasilia Brazil: [Urban intervencoes 2011]
Art Borgloon Belgium: [Exhibition 'Sensitive Islands' Stefaan van Biesen 2012]
G A L E R I E S :
Gallerij S & H De Buck, Ghent Belgium: [artist: Stefaan van Biesen 2000]
END New York : My Utopia book project 2020.
A R T - I N S T I T U T I O N S :
Kunstenpunt - Vlaamse Gemeenschap: [data Flemish Government, Stefaan van Biesen 2019]
Kunstenpunt - Vlaamse Gemeenschap: [Flemish Government, works of Stefaan van Biesen 2019]
Kunst In Huis, Brussels Belgium: [Works of artist to rent]
No Tours: ['Geolocated poetry' Ghent Belgium S.M.A.K. (Museum of contemporary art) 2013]
T H E . M I L E N A . P R I N C I P L E :
Geert Vermeire: [Curator the Milena principle, writer, performances, walks]
WIT urban team: [Urban interventions Margot Dieleman, Eric Windey & Stefaan van Biesen 2010]
S O C I A L - P R O J E C T S :
Babbelonië: [teaching Dutch language to immigrants, Beveren Belgium]
VZW STOF [platform for and about asbestos victims in Belgium]
A R C H I T E C T S :
Archiplarchitecten Patrick Lefebure, Ghent Belgium: [Integrated art in the public space]
S O U N D - P R O J E C T S :
A Blue Supreme: Belgium Indie Rock Band with Peter Maes & Stefaan van Biesen]
Q-O2 Brussels Belgium: ['Real and Imaginary Embodied Landscapes' 2016]
Ultranoise [Enrique Tomas] Lindz Austria-Madrid Spain ['360° Poetic Landscape' Brasilia Brazil 2012]
Utopia Grid, Oxford UK: ['Cities and Memory' Utopia grid, 2015]
Utopia 'Hythlodaeus 2015: [Soundscape Utopia 'Hythlodaeus' Stefaan van Biesen & Geert Vermeire 2015]
Walk Listen Create UK: [author, Stefaan van Biesen 2019]
A R T - P R O J E C T S :
Libraries as Gardens [CGeomap 2020]
Urban Emptiness Network: [the team of collaborators 2016]
Einander zühoren: [press-release project description Stefaan van Biesen 2013]
De Dweil als Alib, Belgium: [Exhibition project 'Kunst Werkt' 2014]
CBK Zeeland: [Exhibition Fort Ellewoutsdijk NL 'Nederland-Belgie/Belgie-Nederland' 2006]
A R T I N T E G R A T I O N S :
De Ent PVT Torhout Belgium: [presentation 'De Ent' (Grafting) integration public space 2005]
Hemera Sint-Jan Baptiste Zelzate Belgium: ['Dementia' integration public space 2013]
De Sleep Ghent Belgium: ['Buzzer III' integration wijkgezondheidscentrum 2007]
Grenzer Beveren Belgium: ['Grenzer' sculpture public space 2010]
W I K I G A L L E R Y . O R G :
Stefaan van Biesen: http://www.wikigallery.org/recommended-art-resources/
Frida Kahlo Foundation: http://www.frida-kahlo-foundation.org/links.html/
Toulouse Lautrec Foundation: http://www.toulouse-lautrec-foundation.org/links.html/
Starry Night Over The Rhone by Vincent Van Gogh Reproduction Description:
Handmade Oil Painting Reproductions - sponsor of Wikigallery.org