K L I K • H I E R • V O O R • N E D E R L A N D S > >
E X H I B I T I O N S :
• [Thermen] Group exhibition / auction at the initiative of the heritage association DEMENT Ostend Belgium 05.04>31.08.2025. Theme: conservation, preservation, new destination of the thermal baths and the Royal Galleries. Location: Studio 221, Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 221, Ostend Belgium.
• [Amaré 2025] Group show Damme Belgium. Curated by Annelies Ysebaert 2025.
E A R T H . C O N N E C T I O N S :
Mary Patricia Warming : Archive of Art/NaturSci Movement & Art Science Exhibits • Berlin Germany & USA 2025.
• Artists: Louise Beer [New Zeeland/UK] • Dave Biddle & David Ehrenreich [Canada] • Adam Crosson [USA], • Brent Dedas [USA] • Frederic Derieu & Nathalie Erin [France] • Manuela Fisher [Switzerland] • Nikolina Kovalenko [Russia] • Dr. Agniezka Kozlowska [Poland] • Jordan Lab [Max Planck Institute Germany] • Les Marneurs architectural Group [France/Belgium] • Gerardo Nolasco [Mexico] • Nina Schipoff [Switzerland] • Stefan Schlumpf [Switzerland] • Alisi Telengut [Canada/Mongolia] • Stefaan van Biesen [Belgium] • Rosa Vitrano [Italy] • MP Warming [Berlin/USA] founder • 2024.
P R O J E C T S :
• [Like the Black Mulberry Tree • Zoals de Zwarte Moerbei] • a social art project about memorial trees & asbestos victims ] • vzw Stoff Sint-Niklaas [Johan De Vos], CC Ter Vesten Beveren 2025.
Stoff is a civic platform that seeks to repurpose special trees as urban and landscape memorials. This is in the context of asbestos victims, with hundreds more being diagnosed with lung cancer every year. The result of an ecological drama and concealed pollution for profit, which is an acute danger to public health. Together with the Beveren library, Annemie Mestdagh and Stefaan van Biesen created an educational school program on the theme of asbestos pollution, ecology and nature awareness.
• [Art of Connection] • Hof Ter Welle Beveren Belgium 25.01 > 02.02.2025.
An installation by Fred Adam with Geert Vermeire & Stefaan van Biesen. Location: chapel and congregation room. International artist project about connection in a more humane world - with educational section for school children from 10 years old.
This project is also a pilot project in preparation for a forthcoming Made Of Walking project in Prosperpolder Beveren in 2026.
E D U C A T I O N :
• [Like the Black Mulberry Tree ] : Educational school project on trees, memories, asbestos issues and letters. Collaboration with the library, CC Ter Vesten, Stoff vzw and several artistic, social partners. Beveren 2024-2025.
P R I N T S • O N • P A P E R :
• [My Daily Longings] • Limited edition of prints on paper [Biotop paper A3] 2022-2025.
A R T I S T I C • R E S E A R C H :
• [Oratio De Hominis Dignitate] • Drawings & visions • an artistic research about the human condition 2025.
• [The Veronica Suite] • contemporary nomad stories based on the painting of Robert Campin [1378-1444] 2025.
E N G A G E M E N T S :
• Co-founder and member of the Milena principle • international independent art platform 2000-2025.
• Founding Member of the Art/NaturSci Movement • international art & ecology project 2019-2025.
• Member of ArtScie Exhibits community Berlin Germany Humboldt University • Mary Patricia Warming (USA).
• Member of the Grand Jury for the Sound Walk September Awards of walk · listen · create (WLC) 2025.
A R C H I V E • E S T A T E :
• The CKV (Centrum Kunstarchieven Vlaanderen/ Center for Art Archives of Flanders) is a central hub for the distributed care of art archives and estates. It is an operationally autonomous organization within M HKA (Museum Hedendaagse Kunst Antwerpen/ Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp), focused on the preservation, sustainable public access and active fielding of visual art archives in public and private management.
The private Van Biesen-Mestdagh Foundation manages the archives of the Milena principle (independent international art platform), Wit Urban-Team and Stefaan van Biesen's own artistic legacy and is in consultation with the CVK CKV [Nele Luyts, Jan Stuyck, Emma Sinnesael].
• The Private Foundation Van Biesen-Mestdagh • [Estate] 2005-2025.
• the Milena Principle • independent, international art platform • [Estate] 2000-2025.
• WIT Urban-Team : action group • art interventions • [Estate] 2010-2014.
R E P R E S E N T E D B Y :
• the Milena principle • independed international art platform. (Since 2003).
• Art/NaturSci Movement • international art community & ecology project Berlin.
• Gallery Ysebaert • Maenhoutstraat 60, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium.
• Gallery S & H De Buck • Zuidstationsstraat 25 9000 Ghent Belgium.
W I K I P E D I A :
• research/publishing Wikipedia pages on deceased or still active artists who have made significant contributions to the world of the arts, both pedagogically and for their artistic legacy.
• [ L I K E . T H E . B L A C K . M U L B E R R Y ] • Beveren Belgium 2025.
A social art project about memorial trees & asbestos victims ] •
vzw Stoff Sint-Niklaas [Johan De Vos], CC Ter Vesten Beveren 2025.
Guided tree walk and conversation on asbestos Joint walk to the installation on the dike of Fort Liefkenshoek led by Stefaan van Biesen and Annemie Mestdagh. We listen to some excerpts from interviews with asbestos victims or their relatives and to ‘Herinneringen aan een militair bastion’ by Hilde Reyniers. At 15:30, we meet in the officers' quarters where Johan De Vos, inspirer of Stoff vzw, tells a story about the route of asbestos from its origins to the port of Antwerp. Afterwards, we engage in conversation.
Like the Black Mulberry is an initiative trail in collaboration with Stoff vzw, Stefaan van Biesen & Annemie Mestdagh, Meulenberg BinnensteBuiten, the Bib, Hortus ter Saksen and the Department of Culture and Nature Development. Through four guided tree walks, we will engage in dialogue.
It started in November 2023 with a new "letter to a tree" and it was an artistic, social-ecological stain that spontaneously expanded. We are developing this connecting project in collaboration with many local partners: artists, experts, doctors, writers and stakeholders.
After quite a few group meetings, worked out a broad, educational and promising school program (also collaborations with the libraries), where we could of course draw on previous Milena principle ideas of our own.
This participation project already intends to locate special commemorative trees and save them from disappearing. The black mulberry is until now a special tree associated with the numerous asbestos victims in the city of Sint-Niklaas, but asbestos is still daily making victims in the region between the port of Antwerp and inland. This due to the years of cover-up (inhumane monetary gain), in connection with the harmful deadly effects (lung cancer), of this product to the thousands of factory workers in the local asbestos industry. It wasn't ignorance, it was a crime in the name of economy and private wealth.
Through the efforts of many bystanders, this mulberry tree is now a screened natural monument and on September 22, 2024, it officially became a memorial tree for the asbestos victims.
• [T H E . A R T . O F . C O N N E C T I O N ] • Hof Ter Welle Beveren Belgium 25.01 > 02.02.2025.
An installation by Fred Adam with Geert Vermeire & Stefaan van Biesen. Location: chapel and congregation room. International artist project about connection in a more humane world - with educational section for school children from 10 years old.
This project is also a pilot project in preparation for a forthcoming Made Of Walking project in Prosperpolder Beveren in 2026.
Lecture/talk on the origins and future of Made of Walking.
Artists Stefaan van Biesen, Geert Vermeire and Fred Adam connect people with each other and with nature, and do not shy away from new technology to do so. Their work is not just to look at; it is meant to be part of, with attention to physical movement and solidarity. By activating senses, they create deeper connections with the living environment. Stefaan creates walking art and art combining nature and science, Fred works with digital art and technology, and Geert is a poet and sound/performance artist. Together they use art to find answers to both social and ecological problems.
In January, they will bring their collaborative project No One Forgotten - The Art of Connection to Beveren. This project is about how artists from different countries can collaborate with local communities to heal landscapes using walking art, artist residencies and digital art. No One Forgotten builds on Stefaan and Geert's previous projects, Made of Walking and the Milena Principle, which connected artists from across Europe.
The project includes artists from Belgium, Portugal, Italy and Greece, some with disabilities, and ends in Beveren with a partly digital exhibition, walking activities, and group performances in the chapel and garden of Hof ter Welle from Jan. 26 to Feb. 2. This event builds on Made of Walking, a European project started by Stefaan and Geert that brings together artists for walking art in rural areas.They are already developing this project in natural areas in Catalonia, Greece and in northern Portugal, with Beveren as their next stop.
The core of their work is hospitality and collectivity. Their art emphasizes connections in a more-than-human world. The exhibition and group activities offer young people and adults the chance to experience new forms of art that merge technology, performance and nature.
• [ T H E . P A S S I N G ] • [Thermen] Group exhibition / auction at the initiative of the heritage association DEMENT Ostend Belgium 05.04>31.08.2025. Theme: conservation, preservation, new destination of the thermal baths and the Royal Galleries. Location: Studio 221, Nieuwpoortsesteenweg 221, Ostend Belgium.
A Passage In Time : design of an original postcard in 2D or bas-relief, Format : 10,5 x 20 cm or 20 x 10,5 cm.
Drawing on Steinbach papier, acryl, plexi en forex.
Expos in 4 different galleries in Ostend: Theobalds Boathouse, Galerie Lloyd, CAS Ostend and Studio 221.
• [ S E C R E T E N ] • Science >< Poetry... 1990-2025.
Drawings, a tool for learning • to perceive the natural world more accurately, remember facts better. To understand it from a new perspective. As a tool for seeing and to understand it better.
Drawings [50 cm x 65 cm]. A series of drawings since 1990. Paper: Hollands Van Gelder.
[download here pdf file of these drawings].
• [ M Y . D A I L Y . L O N G I N G S ] • Limited edition of prints on paper • Biotop paper A3 •
• [ E A R T H . C O N N E C T I O N S ] • Mary Patricia Warming [Berlin/USA, curator of ArtScie Exhibits Community Berlin - Humboldt University].
Earth Connections will open an online gallery in Berlin in 2024 with agents in the United States: Gallery Green will appeal to art collectors who have a passion for art and nature-friendliness. Our art will continue to gain value as we continue to pay attention to the environment with the collection.
Art Science Exhibits Berlin has brought on board a social media/communications partner from the Erasmus Young Entrepreneurs Program to help with this new venture and promotions. Natalia Góral is moving to Berlin from Poland and, in addition, CIEE student intern Max Kuhn is joining the team.
Stefaan van Biesen 2020. Earth Collections, the Permanent Collection of the Art / NaturSci Movement
Artists: Louise Beer [New Zeeland/UK] • Dave Biddle & David Ehrenreich [Canada] • Adam Crosson [USA], • Brent Dedas [USA] • Frederic Derieu & Nathalie Erin [France] • Manuela Fisher [Switzerland] • Nikolina Kovalenko [Russia] • Dr. Agniezka Kozlowska [Poland] • Jordan Lab [Max Planck Institute Germany] • Les Marneurs architectural Group [France/Belgium] • Gerardo Nolasco [Mexico] • Nina Schipoff [Switzerland] • Stefan Schlumpf [Switzerland] • Alisi Telengut [Canada/Mongolia] • Stefaan van Biesen [Belgium] • Rosa Vitrano [Italy] • MP Warming [Berlin/USA] founder •
About: Set in motion by international artist mp Warming, Art Science Exhibits Berlin is an independent enterprise created, and consistently recreated, by artists and scientists. The exhibitions and public programs we present work to greater the sphere of ArtSci conversation - towards positivity and solutions. Our mission for the future of nature-kind is to help
Time is pressing • In over 4.5 billion years of geological time, Earth’s carbon cycle has suffered few extremes like today's. We and our fellow species are in trouble - here and now. The immediacy of the effects of weather changes, humankind’s degradation of the forests and oceans, and the intimacy of the effects on us, is stunning. And the driving force for the determined action of many to meet these challenges head on. And so, Art Science Exhibits Berlin has developed the most solution based partnership possible - with
This participation project already intends to locate special commemorative trees and save them from disappearing. The black mulberry is until now a special tree associated with the numerous asbestos victims in the city of Sint-Niklaas, but asbestos is still daily making victims in the region between the port of Antwerp and inland. This due to the years of cover-up (inhumane monetary gain), in connection with the harmful deadly effects (lung cancer), of this product to the thousands of factory workers in the local asbestos industry. It wasn't ignorance, it was a crime in the name of economy and private wealth.
Through the efforts of many bystanders, this mulberry tree is now a screened natural monument and on September 22, 2024, it will officially become a memorial tree for the asbestos victims. And we are doing this together.
From 22/09/24 to 15/06/2025 we organize at least 20 group visits to the Black Mulberry and a roundtable discussion. In the village of Temse we foresee at least two group visits to a tree, with a walk on the Scheldt and a discussion afterwards,
In the village of Beveren, where we live, there are four tree walks, with speakers reading a letter to or near a tree, each time with a discussion afterwards.
In the theater Culture Centre Ter Vesten, there is a colloquium on the worldwide use of trees as monuments.
This will be organized by us, writer Johan De Vos and Koen Van Synghel
The weekend of 14/6/2025 there is a final event in the city of Sint-Niklaas with the precipitation of the project and the presentation of the High Committee of Care for the Black Mulberry for the long term.
Anyway, the project takes shape through the work of visual artists, theater, music and publications of all kinds.
Drawing [ink on paper] Stefaan van Biesen: first tree conversation 2023
• To draw attention to the countless number of asbestos victims, historically in the past, global and still now.
• Making the asbestos problem negotiable
• Finding victims who want to talk about it (testimonies are collected for scientific research (universities, museum of industrial history).
• Give meaning to a living and vulnerable natural monument.
• Giving the asbestos victims a place in history.
• Contacting organizations, artists and experts who can help us.
• Putting together a pool of various specialists-speakers for the tree visits.
• Creating a sample design for communications to associations and the public. Letters, invitations, publications.
• Composing the brochure: an article on the history of the tree and its specific characteristics, an article on the asbestos victims in the regions of Belgium.
An article on the choice of a tree as a living monument.
• We invite individual artists to be inspired by issues and trees in complete freedom. Apart from a compelling artistic context.
This is along the lines of choosing an existing, living tree as a monument.