Works Indoors : Stefaan van Biesen

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projects > museum > galleries > art centres & festivals > health care.




( V ) A D E R Wall installation/integration with drawings at Cortewalle Castle Beveren Belgium 2021.



( V ) A D E R Wall installation/integration with drawings at Cortewalle Castle Beveren Belgium 2021.


Joos Vijd who lived at Cortewalle ordered the Ghent Altarpiece [1432] from Jan Van Eyck. This work is a memorial to him and his wife Isabella Borluut.


Wall installation (V)ADER [Father/Vein] 2021. A Spin off the exhibition Mozaïek [Mijn naam is Vijd]. CC Ter Vesten Beveren Belgium 01.07 > 11.10.2020. A multi disciplinairy project.




R O S E N T R A U M [ 2 0 1 9 ] .



Wooden tripod, metal, handwritten letter and and different hands made from an old wine red bedspread from the second world war. CAS [Contemporary Art Space] Ostend Belgium. 08.07 < 22.07.2019.




M E S  P A S S I O N S  I M M O B I L E S [ H A N D S  &  V E I L E D  L E T T E R S - 2 0 1 9 ] .



A wooden case with letters and with a transparent veil, made from a transparent honey-colored fabric, with different hands. CAS [Contemporary Art Space] Ostend Belgium. 08.07 < 22.07.2019.




L A  C A R E S S E / T H E  P O L I T I C S O F D A N C I N G [ 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 9 ] .



Print on paper [250 cm x 120 cm]. CAS [Contemporary Art Space] Ostend Belgium. 08.07 < 22.07.2019.




L ' O E U V R E  N O I R / H A N D W R I T I N G S [ 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 9 ] .


Print on paper [150 cm x 80 cm]. CAS [Contemporary Art Space] Ostend Belgium. 08.07 < 22.07.2019.




[ W H A T ]  T H E  B O D Y  K N O W S / T H E  B L U E P A R A D E [ 2 0 1 9 ] .


[Library of Walks] Made of Walking (V) Prespes Greece 2019. Walking encounters/conference in Prespes Greece, July 1-7 2019. Department of Fine and Applied Arts of the University of Western Macedonia.



Photo: presentation of the prop and collected artefacts during '[What] The Body Knows / The Blue Parade' at the exhibition at the Byzantine Collection Of Agios Germanos at Prespes Greece 2019.





[ W H A T ] T H E  B O D Y  K N O W S / T H E  B L U E  P A R A D E [ 2 0 1 9 ] .

Study Made of Walking (V) Prespes Greece 2019.



A nomandic A3 book, travelling [paper and textile]. Photos of walks, drawings, models and earlier versions of the Library of Walks in Europe and Brazil. Shown at the exhibition at the Byzantine Collection Of Agios Germanos at Prespes Greece July 2019.



Book fold out: [250 cm x 120 cm]




F L Y  W A Y S representation [ 1 9 9 4 - 2 0 1 9 ] .

[Equilibrium] Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello, Bienale Venice Italy ⋈ Curated by Mary Patricia Warming [USA] 2019.





[Layers & Movements] a portable registrations of insect flights 2019.



Fragment Flyways score Equilibrium at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello Venice 2019.







G U A R D A I N F A N T E S representation [ 1 9 9 4 - 2 0 1 8 ] .

Installation exhibition 'Intimacy' Gallery S&H De Buck Ghent Belgium.






L A N D S C A P E / M I N D S C A P E . [ R E M A K E : 1 9 9 8 - 2 0 1 8 ] .

Portable version panorama/installation Art Science Exhibits Humboldt University Berlin Germany.



L A N D S C A P E / M I N D S C A P E [ 2 0 1 8 ] .

Inside view of panorama portable version Art Science Exhibits Humboldt University Berlin Germany.







L I B R A R Y O F  W A L K S [ 2 0 1 8 ] .

The Art Foundation [TAF] Libraries as Gardens an ongoing collective project, curated by Belgian writer Geert Vermeire. Photo: prints on the walls, a collection of walks by Stefaan van Biesen 1990-2018. Libraries as Gardens is , and was launched at the Analogio Performance Arts Festival 2018 in Athens.






H A N D M A D E  M E M O R I E S [ 2 0 1 8 ] .

[Hand written letters from refugees and immigrants] 2017-2019.

Presentation Platform Projects [independent art fair] the Milena principle Athens Greece.






U R B A N  E M P T I N E S S / U T O P I A [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Presentation ARBA/ESA [Académie de Beaux Arts] Brussels Belgium & Urban Emptiness Nicosia Festival 2017.






B O X O F W A L K S ( I & I I ) [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

2 nomadic museums for a pop up exhibition. Made of Walking (III). International meeting La Romieu France.






L I B R A R Y O F W A L K S [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Installation (reprise version XII) Public walk project 'Happen & Stappen' Melsele Belgium.






W O R L D  K I T C H E N ( I I ) [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Installation (reprise) Public walk project 'Happen & Stappen' Melsele Belgium.






U R B A N  E M P T I N E S S [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Installation Urban Emptiness Network. NeMe Art Centre Limassol Cyprus.






U T O P I A  W A L K S / U R B A N  E M P T I N E S S [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Installation & sound composition for Urban Emptiness Network. NeMe Art Centre Limassol Cyprus.






T R A C I N G  T H E  I N V I S I B L E ( I I ) [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Temporary wall painting [Urban Emptiness Network]. NeMe Art Centre Limassol Cyprus. [350 cm x 220 cm].






E X  V O T U M [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Sound installation [Passages] Le Collégiale La Romieu France.






F L Y  W A Y S [ 2 0 1 6 ] .

Installation with sound composition [Passages] Le Collégiale La Romieu France. [ 600 cm x 180 cm ].






E X  V O T U M [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Installation [Passages] Le Collégiale La Romieu France.






U R B A N R I T U A L S / R E S O U N D I N G C I T I E S [Brussels, Athens & Lisbon] [ 2 0 1 6 ] .

[Urban Rituals/Resounding Cities] in situ Wall installation. Belas Artes University Lisbon Portugal.






S O U N D B O O K [Athens 2015]. In situ installation + soundscapes. With the Milena principle at Platform Project @ Art-Athina 2015. Faliro Pavilion (TaeKwonDo Stadium) Athens by Artemis Potamianou (curator MOMA NY & Tate London).






G R O W I N G   S I L E N C E [ 2 0 1 4 ] .

Installation score Fly Ways [Kunstenfestival Watou] Watou Belgium.






B R A I N T O W N  [ 2 0 1 3 ] .

[Hemera Building (Dementia) Sint-Jans Baptiste]. Zelzate Belgium 2013. [720 cm x 900 cm].






T R A C I N G T H E   I N V I S I B L E   [ 2 0 1 3 ] .

[Hemera Building (Dementia) Sint-Jans Baptiste at 2 levels] Zelzate Belgium 2013.






A S C E N T O F S I L E N C E   [ 2 0 1 3 ] .

[Hemera Building (Dementia) Sint-Jans Baptiste] silent room for prayer. Zelzate Belgium 2013.






O U R N E W A R R I V A L S - K O M E L I N G [ 2 0 1 2] .

Temporary in situ wall painting in an abandoned elderly home. Art project WZC Briels Melsele Belgium.






F I L H O E   H E R D E I R O [ S O N   A N D   H E I R ]   [ 2 0 1 1 ] .

In situ installation [Masters & Slaves] Biscainhos Museum Braga Portugal.






B I R T H M A R K S [ 2 0 1 1 ] .

In situ installation [Masters & Slaves] Museu Noguiera da Silva. Minho Universty Braga Portugal.







T H E   P R O M I S E   [ 2 0 1 0 ] .

Installation with a ball gown with 3000 tailor pins.

'Art Athina' Athens, 'Wanderlust' Braga Portugal, 'Passages' La Romieu France.






A X I S   M U N D I   [ B O X ] [ 2 0 1 0 ] .

Presentation exhibition of a ensemble of wooden boxes: 'Gras dat altijd verder groeit' of writer and poet Luc Delue. Boekentoren University Ghent Belgium. (inner view box with drawings and watercolors on matchboxes and (right) print of photo in the lid).






[ R E C O N S T R U C T I N G ] T H E V O I D   [ 2 0 1 0 ] . Detail.

In situ installation with cut out drawings on paper Stichting Kunstforum De Leegte Nieuwolda NL.






L I B R A R Y O F W A L K S [ 2 0 1 7 ] .

Installation (reprise version VIII) Public walk project Dr Guislain Museum/KATHO IPSOC Kortrijk Belgium.






L A P R O M E S S E [ 2 0 1 0 ] .

Installation + video [version I] Labo Max [De Grote Post] Ostend Belgium.






M A T E R / W A T E R   C A R R I E R   [ 2 0 0 9 ] .

In situ installation with 76 plastic 'Mater' water bottles. La Romieu France, 'Splash' Antwerp, Bruges Belgium.






W O R D S   O V E R   W A T E R   [ 2 0 0 9 ] .

In situ installation with cone drawing floating over water. H. Magdelena church Bruges Belgium.







T R E E   O F   T H O U G H T S [ 2 0 0 8 ] .

Installation social project [Wit.h] with people with disabilities. Buda Fabriek Budaeiland Kortrijk Belgium.





B U Z Z E R ( I I I ) / Z W E R M E R   [ 2 0 0 7 ] .

Installation Health Care Centre De Sleep Ghent Belgium.






L U I S T E R S C H E L P E N / L I S T E N I N G S H E L L S [ 2 0 0 7 ] .

Installation [16 pieces] Health Care Centre De Sleep Ghent Belgium.






V E N T I L A T I E   [ 2 0 0 5 ] .

In situ installation [Wit.h] Sint-Janshospitaal Bruges Belgium.






O U R   N E W   T E R R I T O R I E S   [ 2 0 0 5 ] .

[Voorbij de Grens] De Brakke Grond Amsterdam NL. De Markten Brussel Belgium.






T H E   N E R V A T E D   S K I N / D E   G E N E R F D E   H U I D   [ 2 0 0 5 ] .

Installation 'De Generfde Huid/The Nervated Skin' Open Monumentendag 'Hout' CC Ter Vesten Belgium.






B R E E D E R ( I I ) [ 2 0 0 5 ] .

Installation 'De Generfde Huid/The Nervated Skin' Open Monumentendag 'Hout' CC Ter Vesten Belgium.






T H E   N E R V A T E D   S K I N / D E   G E N E R F D E   H U I D   [ 2 0 0 5 ] .

Installation 'De Generfde Huid/The Nervated Skin' Open Monumentendag 'Hout' CC Ter Vesten Belgium.





W O R T E L I N G E N / R O O T E D   [ 2 0 0 5 ] .

Installation 'De Generfde Huid/The Nervated Skin' Open Monumentendag 'Hout' CC Ter Vesten Belgium.






S T U D I O L O / S K I N [ 2 0 0 4 ] .

Installation based on 'San girolamo nello studio' Antonella da Messina. Public Library Zwijndrecht Belgium.






C O R P O R E O  V E L O [ 2 0 0 4 ] .

Installation 'Omtrent Melancholie' De Campagne Drongen Belgium.







L I B R A R Y O F W A L K S [ 2 0 0 4 ] .

Installation (reprise version II) Public walk project Kunst in Huis [Art Loan Days] Antwerp Belgium.






M O V I N G  T O W A R D S  T H E  C I R C L E [ 2 0 0 3 ] .

Installation 'Zwischenräume' Hittfeld Hamburg Germany.






L I F E S T R E A M [ 2 0 0 0 ] .

Installation [Het gewicht van vuur / the Weight of Fire]. CC De Poort Zonnebeke Belgium.







G R O W I N G  P A I N S [ 1 9 9 9 ] .

Greenhouse installation with artificial lightning. Buda Gallery Borgerhout Belgium.






G R O W I N G  P A I N S [ 1 9 9 9 ] .

Greenhouse installation with artificial lightning. Abandoned place. CC Berchem Berchem Belgium.






L A N D S C A P E / M I N D S C A P E [ 1 9 9 8 ] .

Panorama with beehives in landscape.






C H O C O L A T E  J U N K I E [ 1 9 9 8 ] .

Self portrait as a chocolate sculpture. 'Corpus' CC Ter Vesten Beveren Belgium.






P U L S A R S [ 1 9 9 7 ] .

Video installation registration bats walk. Sound: pulsars of bats. OC 't Waaigat Burcht Zwijndrecht.







F L Y  W A Y S [ 1 9 9 7 ] .

Nature Morte. Museum Van der Keelen [Museum M] Leuven Belgium 1997.






[Fly Ways - Fan with beehive panorama]. Exhibited in a glass display case with anthical fans. Art project






I  D O N ' T  R E M E M B E R  M E  T H E  R A I N [1 9 9 6 ] .

Private house 'De Gastenkamer / Guest Chambre' [Huis Meurechy] installation & private performance Sint-Niklaas Belgium.






S O N  A N D  H E I R [ 1 9 9 6 ] .

Private house 'De Gastenkamer / Guest Chambre' [Huis Meurechy] installation & private performance Sint-Niklaas Belgium.




E S P I N A Ç O / C O R P U S [ 1 9 9 6 ] .

Private house 'De Gastenkamer / the Guest Chambre' [Huis Meurechy] installation & private performance Sint-Niklaas Belgium. Shape is based on a dragonfly and human body.






T H E  A R C H I V E ( I ) [ 1 9 9 6 ] . Photo: Paul De Malsche

Installation with 365 words to define a man/lost memories. The city archive & Library Sint-Niklaas Belgium.






L E T T E R S  T O  A  T R E E [ 1 9 9 6 ] .

Presentation of a conrespondence with a tree. CC Heusden Zolder / 'Omtrent Melancholie' Drongen Belgium.






L E S  M Â I T R E S  D U  S I L E N C E [ 1 9 9 6 ] .

Installation [Vierkante Zaal] SASK Academy of fine arts Sint-Niklaas Belgium.






T H E  W E I G H T  O F  T H O U G H T S [ 1 9 9 6 ] .

Presentation attribute for a performance. 'Corpus' CC Ter Vesten Beveren Belgium.






T H E  T I M E  M A R K E D [ 1 9 9 5 ].

Installation with propolis, honey and books. Museu Nogueira da Silva Minho University Braga Portugal.






S E T T L E D ( N E V E R  H O M E) [ 1 9 9 5 ] .

Installation Karton project. Cardboard boxes with historical scale model of existing tower. Wielsbeke Belgium.




S L E E P E R I (Narcissus) & II (My little Adorno) [ 1 9 9 5 ] .

Wall installation with paper objects. Karton project. Wielsbeke Belgium.






I N S T R U M E N T S  T O  W A N D E R / M O N O C H O R D ( I ) [ 1 9 9 5 ] .

In situ installation Karton art project. Wielsbeke Belgium.






M Y  U N M O V A B L E  L O N G I N G S [ 1 9 9 5 ] .

In situ installation for a travelling art project Rasa vzw Belgium.






G U A R D A I N F A N T E S [ 1 9 9 4 ] .

Installation Fort Ellewoutsdijk the Netherlands. Several locations in Belgium.






I N D E X . H A N D W R I T I N G S [ 1 9 9 3 ] .

Herman Teirlinckhuis Beersel 1998 & 'De Gastenkamer' [Huis Meurechy] Sint-Niklaas Belgium 1996.






A T T R I B U T E S O F  S I L E N C E [ T H E  G A R D E N E R ' S  T A B L E ] [ 1 9 9 2 ] .

Installation 'Salon' Salons Schone Kunsten Sint-Niklaas Belgium. Photo: Paul De Malsche






A T T R I B U T E S  O F  S I L E N C E ( I I ) [ 1 9 9 2 ] .

Installation 'Salon' Salons Schone Kunsten Sint-Niklaas Belgium.






A T T R I B U T E  F O R  I , S I S Y P H U S [ 1 9 9 2 ] .

Portable library. 'Undefined Is My Load' CC De Ster Willebroek Belgium. Public Library Zwijndrecht 2005.






T H E  G A R D E N E R ' S D R E A M [ 1 9 9 2 ] .

'Undefined Is My Load' CC De Ster Willebroek 1994 Belgium. Photo: Paul De Malsche






T H E  G A R D E N E R ' S D R E A M ( I I ) [ 1 9 9 2 ] .

'Undefined Is My Load' CC De Ster Willebroek 1994 Belgium.






C H R O N I C L E  O F  A  C O M M U T E R [ 1 9 9 2 ] .

Installation with landscape [copper paint] 'Undefined Is My Load' CC De Ster Willebroek 1994 Belgium.






A L C H E M I A [ X I ] B A S I L I E K [ 1 9 9 2 ] .

Installation in an abandoned brewery. Baasrode Belgium.






I , S I S Y P H U S [ 1 9 9 1 ] .

Sculptured head on wooden table. Private collection.






E Y C K [ 1 9 9 1 ] .

Installation & drawings. Exhibition KWKK. Museum Sint-Niklaas Belgium. [homage art critic Frans van Eyck].






J E  M E  S O U V I E N S [ 1 9 9 1 ] .

Installation with cone on a velvet cuchion and wooden tripod. Melsele Belgium.






C O R P U S (feminine><masculine) [ 1 9 9 1 ] .

Installation KKWK [Rekkem space] annex city museum [STeM] Sint-Niklaas Belgium.






M Y  L O A D  I S  U N D E F I N E D [ 1 9 9 0 ] .

Presentation of a 2 days walk. Prop and photos walk. De Vierkante Zaal SASK Sint-Niklaas Belgium.




© private foundation van biesen-mestdagh 05.11.2024