contact : Stefaan van Biesen

Contact : Estate > >





P R I V A T E  F O U N D A T I O N

Private Foundation [private stichting] van Biesen-Mestdagh, Estate & Archive.


the Milena principle

Annemie Mestdagh & Stefaan van Biesen
Boomgaardstraat 14 9120 Beveren Belgium.

Mobile : +32(0)472862542



Resume activities:


• Founding member of Art/NaturSci Movement [Mary Patricia Warming USA/Berlin] 2020.


• Member of the ArtScience Exhibits community Berlin [Humboldt University] 2018. Part of Earth Connections, a traveling art work archive. Manifest/o for the inaugural exhibit of the Art/NaturSci Movement. Curated by Mary Patricia Warming [USA/Berlin].


• Menber of the Grand Jury for the Sound Walk September Awards of walk · listen · create (WLC) 2024.


• Co-founder and president of VZW RASA [art education for youngsters] (1994-1999).


• Co-founder and member of the Milena principle [international independent art platform, since 2000]. Curator Artemis Potamianou (MOMA NY & Tate London UK), who is currently based in Athens, considers the Milena principle as one of the 49 most important independent art platforms from all over the world, distinguishing themselves by working on unconventional ways and by establishing unexpected and influential debates on art. [the Milena principle was selected by Artemis Potamianou for the Athens Art Fair, ART-ATHINA 2014/2015/2017, Platforms project 2018].


• Former member of China Blue, A Blue Supreme [2018] & WIT Urban Team [Warp Coup de Ville 2010].


• President of the Private Foundation van Biesen-Mestdagh [since 2005].


• Works in several private collections and museums in Europe, Brazil and China. Worked as an artist in Belgium • Netherlands • France • Germany • United Kingdom • Poland • Italy• Serbia • Greece • Cyprus •ortugal • Brazil • USA and China • 


• Soundscapes and compositions for theater plays, choreograhphy, performances, art video and international sound art events.


• Wikipedia: research/publishing Wikipedia pages on deceased or still active artists who have made significant contributions to the world of the arts, both pedagogically and for their artistic legacy.






R E P R E S E N T E D . B Y :

• the Milena principle • independed international art platform.

• Art/NaturSci Movement • international Art Science community & ecology project Berlin & Maine USA.

• Gallery Ysebaert • Maenhoutstraat 60, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium [Annelies Ysebaert].

• Gallery S & H De Buck • Zuidstationsstraat 25 9000 Ghent Belgium.



F A C E B O O K :

Stefaan van Biesen > >

Annemie Mestdagh > >

Friends of the Milena principle > >

The Milena principle Forum > >

Made of Walking > >



C U R R I C U L U M & R E S U M E :

Download full Curriculum Stefaan van Biesen > >






Links > >


W I K I P E D I A :



I N D E P E N D E N T . A R T . P L A T F O R M :

• the Milena principle • independend international art platform [since 2000].



P O D C A S T :

• Museum of Walks • interview by Andrew Stuck of Museum of Walks London with Stefaan van Biesen 2016.



A R T. O R G A N I S A T I O N S :

• NEME art center • Urban Emptiness Limassol Cyprus : 2017.

• Animart Greece: • Teachers summer school • Stefaan van Biesen Delphi Greece 2016.

• Resounding Cities • Athens Greece: soundproject & walks Lisbon/Athens 2015.



C O M M U N I T I E S :

• Walk Listen Create : ['Wander Weed' • performative walk 2019].

• Art Science Exhibits Berlin: • Exhibition Humboldt University Berlin 2018.



A R T . F E S T I V A L S :

• Àmare project •

• Art Flow Zwolle [NL] • Stefaan van Biesen:

• Athens Animfest • Greece: [multimation 2017].

• Fotofestiwal Lodz Poland • [Exhibitions Grand Prix Photofestival Stefaan van Biesen 2011].

• Leven In Leuven • Leuven Belgium: ['Tree Library' & 'Interferences' zomer in de kruidtuin Leuven 2008].



G A L E R I E S . R E P R E S E N T E D B Y :

• Art/NaturSci Movement • international art community & ecology project Berlin & Maine USA.

• Gallery Ysebaert • Maenhoutstraat 60, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium.

• Gallery Viewer:• /

• Office Art:

• Gallerij S & H De Buck • Ghent Belgium: [artist: Stefaan van Biesen 2000].

• Gallery Het Vijfde Huis • Reyndersstraat 5, 2000 Antwerp Belgium.



A R T . I N S T I T U T I O N S :

• Kunstenpunt - Vlaamse Gemeenschap: • data Flemish Government • Stefaan van Biesen 2019.

• Kunstenpunt - Vlaamse Gemeenschap: • Flemish Government • works of Stefaan van Biesen 2019.



T H E . M I L E N A . P R I N C I P L E :

• Geert Vermeire • Curator the Milena principle, writer, performances, walks.

• WIT urban team • Urban interventions • Margot Dieleman, Eric Windey & Stefaan van Biesen 2010.



S O C I A L . P R O J E C T S :

• Babbelonië • teaching Dutch language to immigrants • Beveren Belgium.

• VZW STOF • platform for and about asbestos victims in Belgium.

• Zwijndrecht •



A R C H I T E C T S :

• Archiplarchitecten • Patrick Lefebure, Ghent Belgium: [Integrated art in the public space]



S O U N D . P R O J E C T S :

• Q-O2 Brussels Belgium • 'Real and Imaginary Embodied Landscapes' 2016.

• Utopia 'Hythlodaeus 2015 • Soundscape Utopia 'Hythlodaeus' • Stefaan van Biesen & Geert Vermeire 2015.

• Walk Listen Create UK • author, Stefaan van Biesen 2019.

• Band Camp • Stefaan van Biesen:

• A Blue Supreme •



A R T . P R O J E C T S :

• Libraries as Gardens • CGeomap 2020.

• CBK Zeeland • Exhibition Fort Ellewoutsdijk NL • 'Nederland-Belgie/Belgie-Nederland' 2006.



A R T . I N T E G R A T I O N S :

• De Ent PVT • Torhout Belgium • presentation 'De Ent' (Grafting) integration public space 2005.

• Hemera Sint-Jan Baptiste • Zelzate Belgium • 'Dementia' integration public space 2013.

• De Sleep • Ghent Belgium •'Buzzer III' integration wijkgezondheidscentrum 2007.

• Grenzer • Beveren Belgium • 'Grenzer' sculpture public space 2010.




© private foundation van biesen-mestdagh 23.06.2024