Wanderlust : Stefaan van Biesen

Stefaan van Biesen

Private Foundation Van Biesen - Mestdagh > Private Stichting Van Biesen - Mestdagh





(m) [Belgium] 0.1 visual artist > writer > botanical artist > space specific practice > curating & coaching > environmentalist > actions, teaching and social criticism > silence as an artistic condition > artistic flaneur > letters to a tree >  0.2 founding member of ARt/NaturSci Movement of ArtScience Exhibits community Berlin [Humboldt University > 0.3 his art often has a strong conceptual basis and reflects on issues such as identity, migration, ecology and social justice > 0.4 co-founder of the Milena principle [international art platform] > the Politics of the heart > Walking Artists Network > Promenadology > Made of Walking community > WIT-urban team > 0.5 drawings, designs, installations, photography, video, soundscapes, texts, lectures and performances > Urban rituals > an associative solidity between thinking, acting, environment, well-being > 'how do our thoughts manifest themselves via acts in our environment and to what extent do they contribute to our well-being?' > 0.6 devoting an important part of his artistic activity to exchanges and collaborations with other artists and experts from various disciplines > 0.7 international projects: 'Fly Ways' > 'Wander Weed' > Made of Walking > ‘Spaziergangwissenschaft’ > seen as a forum for discussion about sociological and ecological visions > 0.8 the nomadic aspect of the renaissance artists, who travelled all over Europe > the Albrecht Dürer Connection > journeys become art projects > laboratories of thoughts > 0.9 drawings and other artefacts arise from encounters > as a tool for learning and understanding > to perceive the natural world more accurately > notes, artefacts and drawings embellish the journey > 1.0 refers to the concept of ‘the body as measure unit’ > using the senses and the body as instruments of knowledge, experience and creativity > art as a tool of connection > 1.1 worked as an artist in Belgium, Netherlands, France, Germany, UK, Poland, Italy, Serbia, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, Brazil, USA and China > 1.2 member of the board of the Private Foundation Van Biesen-Mestdagh > Estate & Archive >







© private foundation van biesen-mestdagh 07.10.2024