E X H I B I T I O N S :
• [Precious Cargo, Precious World]
Art Science Exhibits • Mary Patricia Warming Berlin • University of Maine in Farmington USA 2023.
Artists: Louise Beer [New Zeeland/UK] • Dave Biddle & David Ehrenreich [Canada] • Adam Crosson [USA], • Brent Dedas [USA] • Frederic Derieu & Nathalie Erin [France] • Manuela Fisher [Switzerland] • Nikolina Kovalenko [Russia] • Dr. Agniezka Kozlowska [Poland] • Jordan Lab [Max Planck Institute Germany] • Les Marneurs architectural Group [France/Belgium] • Gerardo Nolasco [Mexico] • Nina Schipoff [Switzerland] • Stefan Schlumpf [Switzerland] • Alisi Telengut [Canada/Mongolia] • Stefaan van Biesen [Belgium] • Rosa Vitrano [Italy] • MP Warming [Berlin/USA] founder •
• [Groupshow] • Gallery Ysebaert, Maenhoutstraat 60, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium 2023.
Artists: Yaacov Agam • Wim Delvoye • Nick Ervinck • Keith Haring • Danny Matthys • Sylvain Patte • Arne Quinze • Stefaan van Biesen • Ronald A. Westerhuis •
• [Àmare] in situ exhibition • Damme Belgium 2023. Curator: Annelies Ysebaert [Gallery Ysebaert].
Artists: Ronald A. Westerhuis • Willem Boel • Stijn Cole • Caroline Coolen • Jan De Cock • Eudald de Juana • Wim Delvoye • Stief Desmet • Nick Ervinck • Jan Fabre • Athar Jaber • Kris Martin • Nadia Naveau • Sylvain Patte • Arne Quinze • Marius Ritiu • Catherine Thiry • Stefaan Van Biesen • Atelier Van Lieshout • Koen Vanmechelen • Yves Velter • Katleen Vinck •
• [A new space to Flow] • Groupshow Gallery Ysebaert, Maenhoutstraat 60, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium 09.09.2023. Artists: Yves Velter • Catherine Thiry • Marius Ritiu • Willem Boel • Atelier Van Lieshout • Stefaan Van Biesen • Athar Jaber • Katleen Vinck •
• [Sag mir wo die Blumen sind] • Group Exhibition Galery S&H De Buck - Gent Belgium 07.05 > 08.06.2023. Vernissage 07.05.2023 at 15 PM • France: Le Studio S&H De Buck 79100 Oiron – Plaine & Vallées 08.07 > 30.08.2023.
P E R F O R M A N C E :
[Score for Swarmer (I)] & Mixed Voices • Àmare 02.07.2023 Damme Belgium.
P U B L I C A T I O N S :
The Almanac of Sweet Melancholy] • a writing/drawing project with Johan De Vos 2022-2023.
P R I N T S • O N • P A P E R :
[My Daily Longings] • Limited edition of prints on paper [Biotop paper A3] 2022-2023.
A R T I S T I C • R E S E A R C H :
[Oratio De Hominis Dignitate] • Drawings & visions • an artistic research about the human condition 2023.
[The Veronica Suite] • contemporary nomad stories based on the painting of Robert Campin 2023.
P R O J E C T S :
[Earth Connections] • Archive of Art/NaturSci Movement & Art Science Exhibits • Berlin Germany.
[Like The Black Mulberry Tree] • vzw Stoff Sint-Niklaas [Johan De Vos], Ter Vesten Beveren • 2023-2024.
E N G A G E M E N T S :
• Co-founder and member of the Milena principle • international independent art platform].
• Founding Member of the Art/NaturSci Movement international art & ecology project.
• Member of ArtScie Exhibits community Berlin Germany Humboldt University Mary Patricia Warming (USA).
• Menber of the Grand Jury for the Sound Walk September Awards of walk · listen · create (WLC) 2024.
A R C H I V E • E S T A T E :
• Managing the archive : the Private Foundation Van Biesen-Mestdagh • [Estate] 2005-2023.
• the Milena Principle • independent, international art platform • [Estate] 2000-2023.
• WIT Urban-Team : action group • art interventions • [Estate] 2010-2014.
R E P R E S E N T E D B Y :
• the Milena principle • independed international art platform.
• Art/NaturSci Movement • international art community & ecology project Berlin & Maine USA.
• Gallery Ysebaert •Maenhoutstraat 60, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium.
• Gallery S & H De Buck • Zuidstationsstraat 25 9000 Ghent Belgium.
• [ P A L A N C A ] : The Passing 2023.
An ambient music composition based on a series of walks in the area of Palanca (Venice Giudecca). A combination of impressions (notes of a diary) during the walks, supported by a number of field recordings on site. The duration of the piece: 11:51.
01. Palanca [The Passing] [7 walks near Palanca] (4 notes of a diary) 11:51 - 02. Palanca : Walking with Chigusa [Kyoto Diary] 08:26 - 03. Palanca [The Passing] [Alternative Instrumental Version] 11:04.
Released September 6, 2023.
Full CD available on Band Camp:
• Z W E R M E R / S W A R M E R
[new represtation 2023 • on the wall of a medieval house waiting for renovation].
[Àmare] in situ group show • Damme Belgium 2023. Curator: Annelies Ysebaert [Gallery Ysebaert].
Àmare project: https://www.xn--mare-zna.be/stefaan-van-biesen > >
Artists: Ronald A. Westerhuis • Willem Boel • Stijn Cole • Caroline Coolen • Jan De Cock • Eudald de Juana • Wim Delvoye • Stief Desmet • Nick Ervinck • Jan Fabre • Athar Jaber • Kris Martin • Nadia Naveau • Sylvain Patte • Arne Quinze • Marius Ritiu • Catherine Thiry • Stefaan Van Biesen • Atelier Van Lieshout • Koen Vanmechelen • Yves Velter • Katleen Vinck •
• P E R F O R M A N C E . À M A R E :
Score for Swarmer (I) & Mixed Voices
Score for 'Zwermer/Swarmer (I)' was created in 2003 at the start of an international collaboration between artist Stefaan van Biesen and poet, curator Geert Vermeire, student of the iconic conductor/composer Sergiu Celibidache [1912-1996]. It is a public performance where the human voice becomes part of a sound composition, based on voice resonance and sonorous buzzes from the natural world. Anyone can participate. No singing skills are required. Following 'Zwermer/Swarmer (I)' now shown in Damme and the fact that this performance saw the light exactly 20 years ago, this event will be repeated for Àmare 2023.
Anyone can participate. No singing skills are required. Following 'Zwermer/Swarmer (I)' now shown in Damme and the fact that this performance saw the light exactly 20 years ago, this event will be repeated for Àmare 2023.
• [ A . N E W . S P A C E . T O . F L O W ]
Gallery Ysebaert, Maenhoutstraat 60, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium 09.09.2023.
Groupshow Àmare II: work of the artists of the Àmare in situ exhibition at Damme curated by Annelies Ysebaert.
Artists: Yves Velter, Catherine Thiry, Marius Ritiu, Willem Boel, Atelier Van Lieshout, Stefaan Van Biesen, Athar Jaber en Katleen Vinck
[The Unity Of Opposites] 2005-2023. Study of a performance [H: 22cm]. Mixed media & acrylic glass cylindre.
Photo above: drawing study [Zwermer/Swarmer - for Breugel] 2023. [50 cm x 40 cm, drawing on Steinbach paper]
• [ S E C R E T E N ] • Science >< Poetry... •
Drawings to perceive the natural world more accurately, remember facts better. To understand it from a new perspective. As a tool for seeing and to understand it better.
Drawings [50 cm x 65 cm]. A series of drawings since 1990. Paper: Hollands Van Gelder.
[download here pdf file of these drawings].
• [ G R O U P S H O W ] • Gallery Ysebaert, Maenhoutstraat 60, 9830 Sint-Martens-Latem Belgium 2023.
Artists: Yaacov Agam • Wim Delvoye • Nick Ervinck • Keith Haring • Danny Matthys • Sylvain Patte • Arne Quinze • Stefaan van Biesen • Ronald A. Westerhuis •
Duo drawing 20: Heuvelland (walk) • ink on Steinbach paper [50 cm x 40 cm] 2022-2023.
[Omzwervingen/Wanderings] • the Dürer Connection. 100 Drawings: ink on Steinbach paper 2022-2023.
Wanderings? Because my artistic work has evolved so multidisciplinary, I have an extensively documented personal archive. It seemed particularly interesting to connect in a current way with the vision and work (in this case graphics) of Albrecht Dürer. Not only in terms of technique (pen on paper), his humanism, but also as a tribute to his 'modernity', which is still a source of inspiration.
Drawings. The ensemble of these drawings are introspective/retrospective. It includes themes and studies that have led to the realization of works in the form of performances,
• [ Z O A L S . D E . Z W A R T E . M O E R B E I ] • Like the Black Mulberry
A portabel museum box about a social project Sint-Niklaas Belgium 2023.
Johan De Vos (writer):
"It was wonderful to experience that moment. The mulberry in the Brouwershof park on Hazewindstraat automatically takes on the allure of a memorial tree, because it is what it is. Rather old, a little crooked, with ailments like those of aged men, but still full of life. It is surrounded by social housing, the Turkish mosque and the still standing tower of the "standing seesaw" in Pastoor De Meerleerstraat. We then know that Christiane Thijs (1943-1988 asbestos victim) still knew that tree. It is the tree of the hope, life and beauty. Thanks to Stefaan Van Biesen, who reads one of his 'letters to trees' standing by that tree".
Koen Van Synghel (architect and critic): aaaagh, the Mulberry.
Tree Cult in Turkisch Culture and Mulberry Tree
"Determination of the elements which belong to the nature and the transference of various motifs to future generations are important for the Turks for preserving cultural values. One of the elements in the center of life is tree which is as essential as water, air, soil from the occurrence of the universe. First of all, tree represents the existence, the life, vitality and fertility. Many different roles are given to tree in Turkish and World cultures in history. In the first periods of ancient Turks, the sanctity which is attributed to various natural elements and to tree among them is in the way of praying to it. In that period, binding to the various natural elements in a religious-mystical sense brought about “cults”
One of the trees that sanctity is attributed to in tree cult is mulberry tree. Mulberry tree which is called the spirit of the house is also the symbol of the peace of house, future and abundance. In Turkish traditional structure, before laying the foundation of the house, planting of fruit trees around has been given priority. Planting of mulberry tree whose edge is burned and which is threw by Ahmet Yesevi in Velayetname of Haci Bektas Veli in front of Dergah of Haci Bektas Veli and making wish by tying cloth to the boughs of mulberry tree gives sanctity to the tree. This issue has especially gained importance in Alevi Bektashi tradition and has survived with various rituals until today.”
• [ S A G . M I R . W O . D I E . B L U M E N . S I N D ] •
Group exhibition Museum castle Dépendance in Oiron France 2023.
Sag mir wo die Blumen sind, wo sind Sie geblieben? Qui peut dire où vont les fleurs? Where have All the Flowers Gone? 30 years existenace of the art collection at the castle of Oiron. Conservator Jean-Luc Meslet.
Galery S&H De Buck - Gent Belgium 07.05 > 08.06.2023. Vernissage 07.05.2023 at 15u
France: Le Studio S&H De Buck 79100 Oiron – Plaine & Vallées 08.07 > 30.08.2023
[Rosentraum] • room installation [requiem], wooden tripod and red satin] with Annemie Mestdagh.
[Rosentraum / Leafless] • study drawing performance. Ink, watercolor and pencil on Steinbach paper.
The study drawing 'Leafless' [2022] is based on a poem by the Portuguese poet Fernando Pessoa. It is a study of a performance, which took place in a first version in 2017 at the Lefkosia Dancehouse in Nicosia, [Cyprus] during the Urban Emptiness Festival [performance by Maya Dalinsky [USA/B], Anastasia McCammon [UK] and Arianna Ecounomou [Cy]. Later in Athens, [Greece, The Art Foundation] 2018, during the Analogio Festival [Leafless (IV)]. Duo performance by Eleftheria Rapti & Lina Eftstathiou. Prop by Annemie.
Curated by Geert Vermeire & the Milena principle
• [ M Y . D A I L Y . L O N G I N G S ] • Limited edition of prints on paper [Biotop paper A3]
• [Sugar Blue Mountain Experience] • watercolor & pencil on paper [2006].
The Spiritual and Christian Book Prize 2022. Leuven edition Belgium 2022.
The Spiritual and Christian Book Prize 2022. An annual award Medianetwerk Plus: the publishing organization for value-driven press • annually organizes the Prize for the Christian
The submitted books are assessed by an authoritative, independent jury that guides the reader in choosing from the range. The Jury has compiled a shortlist of 3 books for both
Members: Professor Dirk De Wachter, psychiatrist • Rik Van Cauwelaert, journalist-columnist • Professor Wim Vandewiele • sociologist of religion Peter Malfliet: spokesperson for
• [ A L M A N A K . V A N . D E . Z O E T E . M E L A N C H O L I E ] •
a writing/drawing project with writer Johan De Vos 2022-2023.
Johan De Vos & Stefaan van Biesen Stefaan van Biesen made 27 drawings/watercolors on Steinbach paper A4 format. Art edition on 33 copies, signed Printed on Biotop paper 300 gr. at Fast Copy NV in Beveren (naturally bleached, chlorine-free paper, FSC certified with EU Ecolabel.
At the request of Stefaan van Biesen, Johan De Vos wrote a text for every drawing. An exciting collaboration between writer and draftsman. A cross-pollination between language and image. He writes about this: "Each image has a 'punctum', something that the viewer pays irrationally about and that will determine forever, certainly for him, perhaps for someone else, somewhere , also". Johan De Vos [1942] previously published five books on photography. He was director of the Municipal Academy of Fine Arts in Sint-Niklaas and wrote for De Morgen and De Standaard. He founded Stoff VZW to tackle the asbestos problem. maps and this led to the publication of 'Het Boek van Sint-Niklaas' and 'Christiane Thys'
• [ T H E . V I E W I N G . R O O M ] Earth Collections • is now open for private showings in the home of Mary Patricia Warming [Berlin/USA, curator of ArtScie Exhibits Community Berlin - Humboldt University].
With the kind help of artist/filmmaker Alisi Telengut, her home has been filled with art and redesigned. The art works are either on display or "at the ready" to show to
Stefaan van Biesen 2020. Earth Collections, the Permanent Collection of the Art / NaturSci Movement
Time is pressing • In over 4.5 billion years of geological time, Earth’s carbon cycle has suffered few extremes like today's. We and our fellow species are in trouble - here and now. The immediacy of the effects of weather changes, humankind’s degradation of the forests and oceans, and the intimacy of the effects on us, is stunning. And the driving force for the determined action of many to meet these challenges head on. And so, Art Science Exhibits Berlin has developed the most solution based partnership possible - with
Artists: Louise Beer [New Zeeland/UK] • Dave Biddle & David Ehrenreich [Canada] • Adam Crosson [USA], • Brent Dedas [USA] • Frederic Derieu & Nathalie Erin [France] • Manuela Fisher [Switzerland] • Nikolina Kovalenko [Russia] • Dr. Agniezka Kozlowska [Poland] • Jordan Lab [Max Planck Institute Germany] • Les Marneurs architectural Group [France/Belgium] • Gerardo Nolasco [Mexico] • Nina Schipoff [Switzerland] • Stefan Schlumpf [Switzerland] • Alisi Telengut [Canada/Mongolia] • Stefaan van Biesen [Belgium] • Rosa Vitrano [Italy] • MP Warming [Berlin/USA] founder •
About: Set in motion by international artist mp Warming, Art Science Exhibits Berlin is an independent enterprise created, and consistently recreated, by artists and scientists. The exhibitions and public programs we present work to greater the sphere of ArtSci conversation - towards positivity and solutions. Our mission for the future of nature-kind is to help
Future: Soon we will travel the Mediterranean for our first launch of Earth Collections, the Permanent Collection of the Art/NaturSci Movement. The collection will be a part of AVONTUUR's Manifest, which in turn will become a part of Earth Collections' archive. This Manifest, and our solution based exhibitions on Climate Change and Ecosystem Regeneration, is our Manifesto. With Timbercoast's AVONTUUR, we hope to influence a limit to the vast carbon footprint and pollution caused by shipping worldwide. Together we are working towards sailing the Adriatic into the 2022 Venice Biennale.
© private foundation van biesen-mestdagh 05.11.2024